40 Most Common Regrets People Have in Their 40s Dr Lipson Interview for BestLifeonline.com
https://bestlifeonline.com/common-regrets-people-have/ In many ways, your 40s can be the best years of your life: You’ve established...
How to Rebuild Trust In Your Marriage After a Major Screw Up- Quoted in Article on Fatherly.com
https://www.fatherly.com/love-money/rebuild-trust-marriage-major-screwup/ At some point or another, no matter how wonderful your...
How To Figure Out What You Want In A Partner — And Feel Confident Asking For It - Quoted in Bustle
https://www.bustle.com/p/how-to-figure-out-what-you-want-in-a-partner-feel-confident-asking-for-it-9168822 Dating can be completely...
Tips for Handling the Most Toxic People in Your Life- Dr. Lipson interview in sheknows.com
https://www.sheknows.com/health-and-wellness/articles/1140036/how-to-handle-toxic-people/ When it comes to dealing with toxic...

What Not to Say to Someone Having a Health Crisis - Dr. Lipson quoted in Nextave.org
https://www.nextavenue.org/not-to-say-someone-health-crisis/ I recently underwent a months-long health challenge and lost 65 pounds in a...
Growth for Sacred Warriors
Sacred warriors know that when we have gone through major trauma and done much healing work that the blessings illuminate the darkness in...
Sacred Warriors
When you have lived through a near death experience, significant trauma, like a serious illness or chronic disease, you see life...
Thoughts are not facts
Thoughts are not facts. Thoughts swirl around us constantly. Our feelings are generated from these thoughts. If we feel anxious we need...
On your journey of life which is a winding river, you will encounter many areas of muck and mire. These situations can be seen as tests...
You Matter
Many of us have come from extremely tenuous, vulnerable, abusive and distorted paths. You may have been told many untruths about who you...