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DAY 186. Bring Them HOME - LET MY PEOPLE GO....... HOME!!!!!!

As I spent my Rosh Chodesh in song, prayer and chanting reading poems and traditional prayers and then connecting to the Tikkun HaGadol, I was feeling my people's history like roots so deep into the earth that they extended me and the night sky as far as one could even fathom. I prayed for the release of my brothers and sisters and for peace to be established for all Nations on earth and for my people Israel to be safe in our home and abroad. Our entanglements in all that exists is part of how the Creator wanted things and we need to learn to appreciate the energy of Woman and its inherent power. As Jews and especially as Jewish women we have traditional tribal rituals that allow us to reflect and focus on the deeper transformations which we could categorize as difficulties in mundane language. Right now, as I see the new beautiful moon beginning again, I know that this is the message to us all that we may become smaller and smaller or feel we do not even exist in the fabric of the world, but as we do humble ourselves to the fact that we are small than we can actually realize that we are glowing brighter and stronger. All of us, whatever our spiritual understanding may be presently, can learn to recognize the areas where we feel small in our own lives and ways we can create rituals to improve our relationship with our own inner growth and glow just like the beautiful moon which casts shadows to uncover hidden meaning for the world and its transformation into a place of utter peace. Many Blessings Lovelies!!!!


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